Nutrient Injections

Nutrient Injections

Nutrient Injections

We offer a variety of injections to our patients. Blood work will be evaluated and injections can be recommended as part of the care plan depending on results and goals.

These nutrients have a variety of use and help with conditions ranging from nutritional deficiencies, weight loss, hormone balance and more.

These injections are offered at our office and are typically give intramuscularly (IM) in the arm or glute.

Injection cost
$35 per injection

Nutrients Offered

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is needed to build and maintain bones and teeth and is essential to maintain a healthy immune system. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment in the elderly and cancer.

Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)
Methylcobalamin is the active form of vitamin B12.

B12 is a key nutrient in the body and is used to transform fat and carbohydrates for energy as well as to make proteins, maintain metabolism, maintain blood cells, maintain nerve function.

Deficiency of B12 may lead to symptoms including fatigue, joint pain, brain fog and memory problems, depression and anxiety.

Methylcobalamin may be indicated in conditions such as pernicious anemia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep condition, depression, fatigue, stomach/GI issues, conditions involving memory.

(B6, Methionine, Inositol, Choline)

Lipo+ combines these key ingredients to help the body burn fat and process sugars. This injection may help to boost metabolism and is most often used to help aid in weight loss.

To help enhance fat burning, we can combine with methylcobalamin (B12)

​​​​​​​*Additional Nutrients are being added regularly

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